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Don't Buy A Harbor Freight Welding Helmet


The company I've had a mixed relationship with so let's just get right into it a couple of days ago I purchased this Chicago cheap welding helmets I have a friend who has a Wilder and I asked him to teach me how to weld and we agreed that I should get my own personal protection equipment so that we couldn't really he could really teach me properly because if one of us has to wear the helmet and the other has to do that you know this thing every single time it's just not gonna work out and it's not going to be a good learning experience and if I do eventually get a Wilder I'm gonna need one of these so I decided to buy this and it cost me $50. But I was really disappointed when I brought it home and I tested it to find that it didn't work. I figured of course while it has a solar sensor and it has a solar-powered battery so why don't I just leave it in the sun so left in the sun all day and still nothing. I've tried pulling off the protective covers I tried cleaning things I've tried every possible setting. The product is absolutely dead on arrival which to me it was an incredible disappointment because it meant I had to push back my learning experience of learning how to operate a mig welder this got me thinking what other products from harbor freight have similar issues and it made me instantly think to something that happened not even a couple weeks ago where all harbor freight Jack stands got recalled and I happen to own a couple of them and I haven't been able to get a new set yet now I've heard the new set is improved and high quality and personally I never experienced any issues at all with my harbor freight Jack stands but in a period of 3 weeks I have experience my first to harbor freight product failures and I am very disappointed I say this because I have previously had no issues with any harbor freight products. And part of that is because most of the tools I've purchased from them have been hand tools like this ratchet I was working on my crappy Chevy tracker and my sockets were good but my ratchet was not so I went and picked up a new ratchet and I didn't even realize it was a composite ratchet and tell my friend to beat the absolute crap out of it but it still works even in its current condition still works. Also got this big half inch ratchet that has a little secret. I mean that's pretty cool that's a great thing to have and I think maybe this was 20 Bucks this was probably only 15 because it's composite but these tools are both actually pretty good and most of the other harbor freight tools I've owned have been pretty good if you guys remember like way back I made a video comparing mine the wall DCD 996 drill 280 Oct cordon. Chicago electric piece of crap drill and I've actually lately been getting a lot of comments on that video of people saying all that was a stupid test why are you comparing these and to answer that question the reason I compared those 2 was because I had just gotten the the wall and I thought it was cool and my dad owned the crappy on the crappy Chicago electric drill those are the only 2 I had to compare so I wanted to make a you tube video and I compare them despite the complete in nonsense that the comparison is comparing a $20 drill to $150 drill regardless of that even that tool is fully functional I've never had any problems with any of my harbor freight tools before Intel now and I'm really disappointed to see this. Because for the longest time I have seen a lot of people saying that harbor freight is improving the quality of their products now so that they can get more consumer trust with the theory that eventually they can reduce the quality of their products again to save costs and I really hope this isn't happening now I don't know if they're welding helmets were ever any good in fact I suspect that they aren't. And I do applaud them for redesigning their Jack stands and providing refunds to everybody who purchased the old potentially dangerous Jack stands but it really frustrates me to think that the 2 products I've owned they have failed from harbor freight have been products that are designed to keep you alive or not keep you alive but to keep you safe if this fails you burn your eyes out and you can't see if your Jack stands fail the worst thing that is it at the worst thing that could happen is your car falls and kills you at the very least it might fall on top of you and maybe if it's a tall car with a lot of crime clearance you'll be fine. But if it's not it could crush you and kill you. Thank kill you and that's just ridiculous of all the products that could fail. These are like these are facts is not good it's not good doesn't say good things about harbor freight. Now given this I am still going to be shopping at harbor freight because their prices are just completely unbeatable and I do think that a lot of their products are still high quality. But I will give you a piece of caution don't buy personal protective equipment from harbor freight it's not safe you will not be safe if you purchase this equipment now of course they might find that there's a problem with this helmet and recall it but guess what do you really want to be the Guinea pig that finds out that there's a problem with it by going blind you don't want to do that so please when buying personal protective equipment purchase higher and stuff because I intend to continue purchasing a harbor freight products. I believe it is my duty as a youtuber. To inform the community about the quality of said products. So in the future I intend to make some more tool videos but instead of comparing how quickly I can drill a hole in a piece of. In a piece of quarter inch chipboard with 2 completely different drills I will be testing. All kinds of tools at harbor freight like these I might make a video about the actually probably not because these are so simple but I'll probably. The group stuff together and anything I own from harbor freight I'm gonna try to review and anything I buy in the future from them I'll try to review I'm not gonna buy stuff just to review in less it's really cheap I'm not that kind of guy I don't have that kind of money unless I end up getting like 100000 views and be sick then I could start buying stuff to review but that's probably not going to happen. But until then I still buy stuff pretty regularly from harbor freight sells stay tuned and I'm gonna be making a lot more videos about some of their products in the future probably the I'm the next one I'm gonna make is reviewing their 9-inch angle grinder the harbor freight Chicago electric 9-inch angle grinder usually harbor freight power tools are pretty crappy but it's really cheap so I'm gonna buy one and tell yet if it's junk.



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